Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Laptop and Desktop doomed?

As the popularity of mobile computing dramatically increases in the phone space, there is the distinct possibility that smart phones become the next main computing platform. You would have the ability to slot your mobile into a desktop docking station (possibly inside the display), similarly you would be able to slot your mobile into a laptop docking station. This is not as crazy as it first appears, ten years ago desktop computers were running at a speed of 200Mhz, today the iPhone 3Gs runs at 600Mhz easily able to run complex software. Within 5 years the mobile phone will reach processing speeds into the multi Ghz range allowing complex desktop class software to run.

Modern smart phones already run some desktop class software and OS's (OSX iPhone, Windows mobile, Android), today I could do most of my job just using my mobile. How long will it be before the only computer I need is my mobile phone?